
Lark Storage System

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Lark storage base & drawer


Sleeve: 10cm High, 11cm Wide, 54cm Deep.
Weight: 7.5kg when full.
Slide Capacity: Holds 1200+ slides per drawer.
Cassette Capacity: Insert Drawer holds 210 cassette blocks, when combined with Storage Drawer and Sleeve holds approximately 420 cassette blocks.






The Pangalark Storage System, or Lark for short, is a multi-purpose modular storage system for the efficient archiving of glass microscope slides and plastic embedding cassettes that grows with your needs. It is a space saving, price conscious package that comes in the following three parts:

– LARK1620 – Storage Drawer & Sleeve – The basis of the Lark Archive.
– LARK1621 – Storage Drawer & Base – Used to start a vertical stack of Lark.
– LARK1619 – Drawer Insert – Used to increase cassette block storage for each drawer.



The innovative design of the drawer sleeve enables the system to be connected and stacked together in a modular form, saving valuable space. Relocation anytime is a simple task. Each additional sleeve connects to become a solid part of a compact unit allowing multiple rows and columns to be created to suit your storage needs!


Insert Drawer:

The Insert Drawer fits easily into the Storage Drawer, doubling the capacity for Embedding Cassettes and Blocks. The stackable nature of the drawers making it ideal for storing items requiring refrigeration.


Sleeve With Base:

The sleeve with base is the foundation for stacking and expanding the unit according to demand. Simply purchase one sleeve with base per column of storage drawers!

Lark stand:

Seen on the right-side pictures. It’s been designed to have 5 wide per stand and can be put side by side to link up to make 10,15,20 etc. columns.

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