The Eco-Friendly Method To Safely Treat & Destroy Formalin Waste & Other Aldehyde Waste Solutions
- Instructions for treatment of formalin waste:
- Collect formalin waste in a suitable waste container
- Use a funnel with a “screen insert” to collect any waste tissue waste debris from the waste formalin.
- Add one fifth formalex to 4 fifths 10% NBF formalin waste.
- Secure lid on waste container and agitate container to mix solution.
- Allow mixed solution to stand for a minimum of 4 hours to adequately reduce the formalin to a non-hazardous solution.
- Repeat Step #5 decreasing the exposure to any headspace vapour once opened.
- After 12 hours the solution is neutralised ready to be poured down the drain subject to your local council approval.