Compact Workstation (Clearance Sale $18000 down to $6000 One only available)
Part Number: AI-YS-AS09
Description: Compact Workstation W/Cover 152x55x140cm
Key benefits!
- Using the portable fume extractor, there is no need to hook up to building ventilation.
- Retractable tap.
- Two power points to plug in electric tools such as autopsy saws etc.
- Cover lid that can close to contain fumes when using for staining dishes etc.
- Note the depth only 55cm. This can allow a person to sit and work without blocking the walkway behind them.
- Optional fume extractor with remote control is highly recommended works extremely well using multiple filters.
- Made with 304 Stainless Steel.
- This unit only needs a standard power point plus plumbing and draining hooked up.
- Note the lip on the front of the table to ensure no spills ends up on the user.
- Very bright fluorescent light really brightens up the work area.